Member funds are used to source and purchase high-quality certified marketable voluntary carbon credits from reputable suppliers (project developers).
More and more people are recognizing the need to join forces and act in concert – without competing national, business and individual interests – to build a ‘new economy’ based on sustainability, in order to leave a better world for our children. The business opportunity Botanoo believes training and education, combined with a growing trade of ‘green’ products and voluntary greenhouse gas emission reductions are the best way to raise global awareness.The business opportunity Botanoo encourages its members to participate in the following opportunities: Build a global community of environmentally conscious people – individuals, households, small business and medium size businesses – who make becoming ‘carbon neutral’(carbon credit) a priority by purchasing voluntary carbon credits on a regular basis; Introduce more and more people around the globe to the rapidly expanding business of emission reductions trade and give them the business opportunity to market voluntary carbon credits in various forms using a unique, multilingual internet platform. We invite you to find out more about the Business Opportunity Botanoo. It may be just the right thing for you. Carbon Credits purchased are registered with MarkIT, a London-based international organization that provides price transparency and financial infrastructure to reduce risk and improve operational efficiency, so every member and customer may rest assured that these credits are real and of high quality.
The point here is that timing is important: members who join earlier may enjoy greater profits. The company rewards members who decide to promote the business opportunity and introduce new members from anywhere in the world to the system.
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